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Kelly Grace

How to Handle Finances as an Entrepreneur



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Welcome to my journal where I share recent weddings + shoots, travel photos + pieces of my life! I'm so excited you’re here and I would love for you to say hello! Stay a while and say hello!

Hi, I'm Kelly!



Teetering on the edge of submitting your 2 weeks? Download this guide to learn the 3 tell-tale indicators that you're ready to take the plunge into full-time entrepreneurship. *Hint: you might be more ready than you think. 



Whether you’re just starting your business journey or you’re years into it, chasing that entrepreneurial dream, there’s one thing that’ll always be a make-or-break factor: financial wellness. For some, managing money is a natural skill, but for others, it’s a challenge. Regardless of where you fall, smart money management can’t be ignored! We can’t predict the unexpected, but we can prepare for it by ensuring our business is ready for both good times and tough times.

How to Handle Finances as an Entrepreneur

Conquering Financial Fears

As your business grows, overcoming money fears and boosting your financial literacy is essential. But where do you start? How can you learn to manage finances like a seasoned entrepreneur while still figuring out how to scale your business? What’s the best approach to investing when your income doesn’t yet match those with more experience?

Before you get overwhelmed, let’s break it down! As a recovering perfectionist entrepreneur, I know the struggle of wanting to get everything right the first time. The truth is, aiming for perfection isn’t necessary. Instead, learn from my experiences and lessons. Let’s tackle some frequently asked questions to help you budget, invest, and seek guidance like a pro!

Easy Steps to Level Up Your Financial Literacy

Assess Your Current Financial Situation: Start by looking at your numbers—your expenses, income, and financial systems. Don’t get overwhelmed; instead, ask yourself:

  • Do you know your total business expenses? Can you cut back on any unnecessary costs like memberships, subscriptions, or ineffective marketing?
  • What’s your hourly rate? Have you adjusted it to match the cost of living and your growing expertise? Research what a competitive rate should be for your skills and experience.
  • How many clients, conversions, or product sales do you need to hit your goals? Determine your monthly budget and performance numbers to help you relax when you meet or exceed your targets.
  • Are you aware of your tax breaks and relief options? If hiring a tax professional isn’t in the budget, take time to research tax breaks that apply to you.

Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Money Mindset

Reaching your financial goals is exciting, but what’s next? As entrepreneurs, we need a plan for spending, saving, and investing our money. Here’s how:

  • Identify Profit Drivers: Focus on the areas of your business that yield the best results. As someone with a lot of ideas, I understand the need to prioritize. I’m currently optimizing my main profit drivers to grow my business over the next couple of years!
  • Track Results-Linked Expenses: When a plan performs well, invest more time, energy, and money into it. Regularly examine your expenses to scale your finances effectively.
  • Plan for the Highs and Lows: A constant income flow isn’t guaranteed. Prepare for both surplus and drought seasons by asking:
    • How are you setting aside money for quieter times? Research your industry’s slow seasons and plan accordingly.
    • Can you create an offer that generates income during slow periods? Think about evergreen products or digital courses that don’t require your constant attention.

Outsourcing Financial Management

You don’t have to do it all alone! Here are some tips on outsourcing your financial needs:

  • Hire an Accountant: If possible, invest in an accountant. Their expertise can save you money in the long run.
  • Consider a Financial Advisor: Sometimes, you just need good, actionable advice. A financial advisor can provide the wisdom to set and reach your goals.
  • Seek Local or Online Support: Look for local meet-ups, financial wellness classes, or online networking groups. You might find free expert advice!

Financial Wellness Takes Time

Experience is your best teacher. It takes time to figure out how you want to do business and get smart about what works for you. Remember, the ultimate goal isn’t just to make more money; it’s to save time. Use your money to get back your time, because you can’t multiply yourself as your business grows.

Your journey won’t look exactly like anyone else’s, so don’t hold your financial goals to someone else’s standard or timeline. Give yourself time to analyze what works, why it worked, and how to scale your strategies to grow your profit. Schedule regular check-ins to review your finances and learn as you go!

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