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Kelly Grace

7 Summer Work-Life Balance Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs



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Teetering on the edge of submitting your 2 weeks? Download this guide to learn the 3 tell-tale indicators that you're ready to take the plunge into full-time entrepreneurship. *Hint: you might be more ready than you think. 



Hey there, creative entrepreneurs! Summer break has arrived, and while the kids are out of school and the sun is shining, balancing your business and spending quality time with your family can be a unique challenge. But don’t worry! With a few strategic approaches, you can thrive both professionally and personally this summer. Utilize these 7 summer work-life balance tips to optimize your limited work hours and strike a balance between work and family time!

Can you hear it? The last bell of the school year rings and SCHOOL IS OUT! Two months of pure bliss await, filled with poolside fun, running through sprinklers, and absolutely no schoolwork. But hold on, entrepreneurs! Just because the kids are free doesn’t mean we can stop working. As someone who thrives on routines, it’s easy to want to stick to the same schedule. However, summer offers a wonderful opportunity to switch things up and enjoy new family rhythms!

Juggling work responsibilities with summer fun can be quite a challenge, especially for us parents who work from home. Many fellow entrepreneurs share this dilemma, striving to maintain productivity while also making cherished summer memories with their kids. So, how do we make the most of our limited work hours during these sunny months? Here’s how:

Balancing Work + Family: 7 Summer Work-Life Balance Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs

#1 | Create a Flexible Schedule

Flexibility is your best friend when juggling work and family time during summer! Unlike the rigid school year schedule, summer allows for a more fluid approach to planning your day. Here’s how to make it work:

  • Early Bird or Night Owl: Figure out when you’re most productive. If you’re a morning person, start your workday early before the kids wake up. If you’re a night owl, consider working after they go to bed!
  • Chunk Your Time: Break your day into chunks. Dedicate certain hours exclusively to work and others to family activities. For instance, work in the morning and reserve afternoons for outings or fun activities with the kids!
  • Involve the Kids: Older kids can understand and respect boundaries. Explain your work schedule to them and set specific times when you’re unavailable. Use visual aids like color-coded calendars to help them understand.

#2 | Plan Activities for the Kids

Keeping the kids engaged while you work is crucial. Plan a mix of activities that can keep them entertained and stimulated!

  • DIY Activity Kits: Prepare kits with art supplies, puzzles, and games that they can access independently.
  • Outdoor Play: Invest in outdoor toys or set up a backyard play area. Activities like water balloon fights, scavenger hunts, or simple sports can keep them busy!
  • Educational Apps and Programs: Use technology to your advantage. There are numerous educational apps and online programs that can provide both entertainment and learning.

#3 | Designate a Workspace

Having a designated workspace can help you maintain focus and separate work from home life. Here’s how to optimize your home office:

  • Separate Space: Choose a quiet corner or room where you can work without constant interruptions. Make it clear to your kids that this is your work zone!
  • Comfort and Inspiration: Ensure your workspace is comfortable and inspiring. Add elements that boost your creativity, like plants, artwork, or motivational quotes!
  • Boundaries: Use physical boundaries like room dividers or a “do not disturb” sign during critical work hours to signal to your family when you’re not to be interrupted.

#4 | Create a Seasonal Bucket List

Doesn’t summer seem to breeze by? One way to savor the moments and ensure you’re making the most of this summer season is by establishing seasonal traditions. Take a cue from nature’s playbook and fully embrace the changes that each season brings. While lemonade might be available year-round at the store, there’s a certain magic in sipping a cold glass on a hot summer day, lounging on the deck.

To capture this magic, create a seasonal “bucket list.” Some might think a bucket list takes away the spontaneity, but for many, it brings structure and excitement without the pressure of doing everything. Find what sparks joy for you and your family!

Here are some ideas:

  • Plan a vacation such as camping or visiting our nation’s national forests! If you can’t do a big trip this summer, plan a stay-cation like a trip to the beach or a waterpark!
  • Savor summer foods like corn on the cob, popsicles, and watermelon.
  • Create lasting memories with activities like strawberry picking, attending the local fair, or eating pancakes at a Dairy Breakfast (if you’re in Wisconsin)!
  • Establish daily or weekly summer rituals such as Ice Cream Fridays or Tuesday Pool Days

Traditions help mark time and create lasting memories. Just like birthday celebrations with cake and candles, you can create special summer feelings too. Looking for inspiration for your summer bucket list? Get your kids involved by having them create their own lists, then combine everyone’s ideas into one comprehensive summer bucket list!

#5 | Identify Your Priorities (and Cut the Rest)

Creating seasonal traditions and a summer bucket list is like goal setting for your summer! Apply the same strategy to your work. What do you hope to achieve over the next 8-10 weeks?

List your personal and work goals, then rank them by importance. Don’t try to cram too much into too little time—that’s a recipe for frustration. Focus on one or two key goals that will make the biggest impact.

Where is your time best spent? Put those tasks first! If you have big goals but feel short on time, check out The 4-Day Week by Andrew Barnes for some great strategies!

Whether it’s home projects or work tasks, knowing what you want to accomplish is crucial. This brings us to the next tip—carving out time for YOU!

#6 | Make Time for Yourself

The pressure to make the most of summer with your kids can feel overwhelming. While it’s essential to spend quality time with them, it’s equally important to pursue your own goals and self-care. Here’s how:

  • Schedule Personal Time: During the summer, arrange for help with childcare. Use this time to tackle work tasks, catch up on chores, or simply enjoy a quiet moment alone!
  • Budget-Friendly Help: If hiring help isn’t an option, consider community childcare solutions. Team up with friends or neighbors to trade off watching the kids!

#7 | Prioritize Self-Care and Downtime

Maintaining your own well-being is essential for sustaining productivity and enjoying summer with your family. Here are ways to incorporate self-care into your routine:

  • Regular Breaks: Take short breaks throughout your workday to recharge. A 10-minute walk, a quick meditation session, or simply stretching can make a big difference!
  • Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Whether it’s a morning jog, a family bike ride, or a yoga session, exercise helps reduce stress and boosts your energy!
  • Me-Time: Schedule time for activities you love, whether it’s reading, gardening, or crafting. Personal hobbies are a great way to unwind and recharge your creative energy!

Balancing work and family time during the summer as a creative entrepreneur can be challenging but rewarding! By utilizing the above 7 summer work-life balance tips, you can enjoy a productive and fun-filled summer!

Remember — embrace this season in a way that feels right for you! Prioritize what matters most, and know that you can still achieve a lot, even with limited work hours!

Here’s to a happy, productive, and sunny summer! ☀️

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