Lake Geneva and Milwaukee
Fine Art Wedding Photography



Kelly Grace

Crush Your To-Do List with Theme Days



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Welcome to my journal where I share recent weddings + shoots, travel photos + pieces of my life! I'm so excited you’re here and I would love for you to say hello! Stay a while and say hello!

Hi, I'm Kelly!



Teetering on the edge of submitting your 2 weeks? Download this guide to learn the 3 tell-tale indicators that you're ready to take the plunge into full-time entrepreneurship. *Hint: you might be more ready than you think. 



Today, we are talking all about productivity! Imagine this:

Your current internet browser is open with more than a dozen tabs.
You’re jumping from one task to another like a hyperactive bunny.
Your to-do list is brimming with tasks, leaving you uncertain where to begin.
You start to feel overwhelmed and ultimately end up not accomplishing anything.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone! Fear not, there’s a solution—a way to streamline your workload and maximize productivity.

Enter theme days.

Once you incorporate this hack into your block scheduling routine, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without them. (Side note: Not sure what a block schedule is? Be sure to read this post first!)

Now, I want to be upfront and mention that I’m no productivity guru. However, through the years of navigating the roles of a mom to five kiddos, running my photography business, and staying on top of household chores, I’ve picked up some valuable insights on time management. It’s a constant juggling act, but I’ve found ways to make it all work — and I’m ready to help you get organized in your business too!!

Crush Your To-Do List with Theme Days

What Are Theme Days?

Theme Days provide a structured approach to organizing your tasks based on a specific theme or topic for each day. This method is beneficial as it allows you to concentrate on one particular theme, promoting a streamlined and laser-focused workflow.

Let’s keep it real for a moment: How many of you relate to the scenario I just described above? Trust me, I’ve been there too! It’s all too easy to find yourself bouncing around during your workday, but is that really the most effective way to get things done? Nope!

I’ve discovered that I’m at my absolute best in terms of productivity when I can buckle down and focus on one task at a time. As a small business owner, you’re wearing so many hats—whether you’re leading a team or flying solo, there’s always a lot on your plate.

So, here’s where the magic of a theme day system comes in: It helps you identify which tasks are your top priorities and how you can tackle them all at once, making real progress in those specific areas. It’s all about gaining traction and moving forward with confidence!

Daily vs. Weekly Themes

Now, let’s talk about daily vs. weekly themes. Daily themes involve assigning a specific theme or focus to each day of the week. Here are some examples of daily themes and how you can incorporate them into your schedule:

  • Marketing Mondays: Dedicate Mondays to all things marketing-related, such as updating your website, planning social media content, and writing newsletters.
  • Client Work Tuesdays: Reserve Tuesdays for client-related tasks, including client meetings, project revisions, and communication with clients.
  • Creative Wednesdays: Use Wednesdays as your creative day, where you focus on brainstorming new ideas, working on personal projects, or experimenting with new techniques.
  • Skill Development Thursdays: Thursdays can be dedicated to skill development and education. This could involve taking online courses, attending workshops, or reading books related to your industry.
  • Administrative Fridays: Wrap up the week by tackling administrative tasks such as invoicing, updating spreadsheets, and organizing your workspace.

Here’s a peek at how I organize my daily themes:

  • Mondays: Marketing (Blogging, Social Media, Newsletters)
  • Tuesdays: Client Work
  • Wednesdays: Education
  • Thursdays: Client Work and/or Education
  • Fridays: Appointment Days

Weekly themes are just as valuable as daily themes and involve assigning a specific theme to each week of the month. Here are some examples of weekly themes and how you can incorporate them into your schedule:

  • Content Creation Week: Designate one week each month for content creation. This could include writing blog posts, filming videos, or creating graphics for social media.
  • Client Focus Week: Use one week each month to focus solely on your clients. This could involve delivering client projects, scheduling client meetings, and providing customer support.
  • Planning and Strategy Week: Reserve one week each month for planning and strategizing. Use this time to set goals, review your business plan, and brainstorm new strategies to grow your business.
  • Personal Development Week: Dedicate one week each month to personal development. This could involve attending conferences, networking events, or taking time off to recharge and focus on self-care.
  • Administrative Week: Set aside time to tackle tasks that often get overlooked, such as scheduling appointments and bookkeeping.

How Do You Implement This Strategy?

Ready to implement theme days in your business? Here’s how to get started:

  • Make a list of the tasks you tackle in your business. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach—your theme days should reflect your specific needs and priorities.
  • Write them down. Seriously, don’t skip this step. Writing it down holds you accountable and helps you stay focused.
  • Be consistent. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are habits. Give your theme days at least 30 days to see if they’re working for you. And remember, prioritize those priorities! Stick to the theme of the day and resist the urge to get sidetracked.
  • Commit. This is the big one. Stay committed to the process, even when it feels challenging. Reevaluate your days regularly to ensure they’re still serving you and your business as it evolves.

Remember, consistency is key. By committing to this process, you’ll gain valuable insights into your productivity and find what works best for you and your business. So, are you ready to take your productivity to the next level with theme days? Let’s do this!

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